Point Presentations on the Chapters of Sex Allocation, by Stuart West
During Autumn 2007 I ran a discussion group on a draft of this book.
This was extremely useful for making me finish the book, and providing
feedback. Each meeting was based around a chapter of the book (chapters
2-10), and led by a volunteer. The powerpoints made and used by these
volunteers are given below, and can be exploited for discussion groups
or teaching.
Chapter 2 (Fisher) - Andy Gardner
Chapters 3 (Competition &
Cooperation) - Sarah Reece (Discover the source of Figure 3.1!)
Chapter 4 (LMC) - Laura Ross
Chapter 5 (LMC II) - Tabitha Innocent
Chapter 6 (T&W) - Bart Pannabakker
Chapter 7 (T&W II) - Sarah Reece
Chapter 8 (Overlapping generations)
- Claire El Mouden
Chapter 9 (Conflict) - Anna Moynihan
Chapter 10 (Conflict II) - Laura Ross